ZVLD 120x2

The beam cutters are intended for sawing of 2-edge, 3-edge, 4-edge beams from round timber.
To produce two-edged beams we offer vertical beam cutters with 2 heads and width of the saw band 40 mm or 150 mm, also an option with saw discs is available, diameter of the saw discs 900 ÷ 1000 mm.
For manufacturing of three-edged beams we offer a beam cutter with 3 heads, two vertical saw heads, one horizontal with the saw band width 40 mm or 150 mm, or a combined variation with two saw heads + one horizontal saw head.
To produce four-edged beams we offer beam cutters with 4 heads, four vertical saw heads with the saw band width 40 mm or 150 mm, or an option with saw discs is available – 4 saw heads with saw discs, diameter of the saw discs 900 ÷ 1000 mm.
The beam cutters are equipped with a centring mechanism of round timber, a computer for quick size setting, adjuster of sawing speed, transverse conveyor for directing offcuts to processing, remover of ready made beams.
The beam cutter is operated by one operator.
Max. length of round timber (mm) 6200
Min. length of round timber (mm) 800
Max. diameter of round timber (mm) 600
Min. diameter of round timber (mm) 150
Max. thickness of a beam (mm) 500
Min. thickness of a beam (mm) 70
Length of a saw band (mm) 8400
Width of a saw band (mm) 130 ÷ 150
Thickness of a saw band (mm) 1.2 ÷ 1.3
Diameter of a beam cutter sheaves (mm) 1200 / 1300
Power of a main engine of one saw head (kW) 37
Load (%) 60 ÷ 70
Average production capacity per shift, round timber (m³) 180 ÷ 200
Height of a beam cutter (mm) 3600
Width of a beam cutter (mm) 3350
Length of a beam cutter depending on length of the material to be cut (mm) 7000 ÷13500
Weight of a beam cutter depending on number of heads (kg) 6900
Woodworking machinery